A grant of $16,000 was authorized for the production of two new works in the 1998-99 season of HERE, a multi-arts center in New York City. HERE has become a major arts presenter in downtown Manhattan, serving many artists and presenting varied performance works. Tim Maner will direct Cry Pitch Carols, a hybrid opera form with text and music combining fragmented forms and language from actual and imagined histories. Librettist Ruth Margraff is contributing a text within a science fiction landscape that will release preconceived notions of place and time. Composer Mathew Pierce will deconstruct the carol form, with violin white noise and clear silver bell acoustics. Cry Pitch Carols will encourage the audience to explore racism, Christianity, feminism, the sins of father figures and Christmas as a cultural icon. Kristin Marting will create Women of Orleans, which will use French, Creole and Spanish folk dancing, gestural vocabulary and poetic texts to examine the lives of real and fictional women in New Orleans during the late 1800s. The piece