The NEW YORK FOUNDATION FOR THE ARTS, New York City, acting as fiscal agent for 3-LEGGED DOG, received a two-year grant of $30,000 in support of the development and production of new works in the 1998-99 and the 1999-2000 seasons. 3-legged dog is a nonprofit media and theater company founded in 1993 by co-artistic directors Kevin Cunningham and Mike Taylor, and focused on the idea of versatility across disciplines. The unifying force is a shared passion for language in all of its forms. Projects include video installations, experimental theater works, multimedia theater, radio plays, films, videos, hypermedia objects and web sites. During the next two seasons, 3-legged dog will present a new Cunningham multimedia work titled Kampuchea/Loisaida, the second part of Jill Szhumachers Trilogy titled Yield Burning and Mike Taylors If I Were You, a multimedia performance work.