S.A.S.E.: THE WRITE PLACE, Minneapolis, Minnesota, received a two-year grant of $40,650 in support of the S.A.S.E./Jerome Fellowships and the Writer-to-Writer Mentorship Program. S.A.S.E.'s mission is to provide affordable, quality programming, developed and administered by a diverse group of people for writers of all backgrounds to develop their craft and present or publish their works. Its innovative approach involves going out into the community, utilizing neighborhood venues and contracting with working writers to coordinate programs. The S.A.S.E./Jerome Fellowships were inaugurated in 1997 to support emerging writers of fiction, poetry and nonfiction. The funds provide writers with tools to enhance their careers including the purchase of equipment, paying for mentorships, attending writing conferences or retreats, promoting a book or simply buying the time to write. Funding was also authorized for the Writer-to-Writer Mentorship Program, a flexibly designed initiative that allows writers to advance to the next level of development through highly individualized assistance from established writers. This is a small group learning model that extends for a semester.