Investing Our Values: Jerome Foundation Embraces New Investment Strategy

Feb 28, 2025

“It's crucial to understand that as a society, we can reorganize. We can reorganize socially, politically, and economically, and we can reorganize according to our values... It’s key in how we go forward with our society that we start insisting that our values are reflected in all of our institutions.”

                              — Rebecca Adamson, Indigenous Economist, Cherokee Descent

As an arts funder in America today, Jerome Foundation believes it is more critical than ever to invest our resources through a values-aligned approach. We have committed 100% of our investments to things we believe in. We’re excited to share our journey through our newly launched webpage.

Visit the webpage

This platform tells the story of our transition to values-aligned investing, the questions we navigated, and the lessons we’re learning along the way. This holistic approach is directly informed by our commitment to equitable practices, committing to eliminating disparities and improving access and outcomes to ensure the long-term viability of artists and culture bearers.

A projection on a building showing someone holding a red sign that says "Dream."

Chinatown Art Brigade, The Laundromat Project.

Jerome President Eleanor Savage states, “We share our ongoing journey as a resource, giving gratitude to those who supported our efforts to understand and embrace this strategy, and welcoming any and all who are exploring values-aligned investing to join us in this approach.”

Our goal is to invest our financial assets in consideration of the impact our decisions have on the communities we serve, just as our grants have an impact on our broader society and the planet. We believe our fiduciary responsibility extends beyond traditional returns-driven investing, which prioritizes financial return without regard for other consequences.

The Foundation’s culture is rooted in the practices of belonging, nurture, equity, love, and respect, where every voice is valued, every story matters, and learning is embraced as a continuous journey. Our values-aligned investment strategy embracing equity and social, economic, and environmental justice is essential for a thriving arts and culture community–and a just community for all.